The Before Picture
The First Scoop
Size of Pool and Decking
Shelf and Center Dig
First end panel and corners
Working towards the shallow end
More Panels In
Ready fo Stairs
Stairs In
Coping, Skimmers, and Collar Frame
Pouring the Collar
Pool Floor In
Underground Plumbing Started
Undergound 100 Amp Service Required
Pool LED Lighting Wired In
Everything Bonded For Safety
Decided on a Retaining Wall
Constructing the Wall
Wall Up
Caping the Wall
Starting to Backfill
Backfill Complete
Wall Primed
Topcoat Forest Green
Framing The Deck
Pouring the Deck
Decking is Done
Pump,Filter & Heater Install
Added Foam for a soft Bottom
Dropped in the Liner
Filled with Water
Covered with a Solar Blanket
Added a Reel for Easy Removal
Final Grading
Installed Fencing
Grass Planted and Covered with Straw
Grass Starting to Grow